October 22, 2011


I've struggled with dermatological issues for as long as I can remember. Seriously, I cannot actually remember a point in my life where my skin wasn't having some type of problem. Over the years I've tried some of everything, most only made it worst. The one exception is a combination of Retin-A-Micro & Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser. I'm currently trying to find a more holistic healthy approach to healing my skin. I truly understand that the skin is a reflection of internal health so I'm working on it from the inside (i.e what i put in my body)  I'm eating nuts on a daily basis and recently I added coconuts to the menu. Well HONEY LET ME TELL YA, I think I'm seeing an improvement in the texture of my skin.  

(keeping my fingers crossed)
I's tink deh Island gyals are on ta sumtin'