December 30, 2011


Celestial Coordinates

Equinox - Sun is directly over the equator. 
Solstice - Sun is farthest North or South.

Year: 2012

Spring Equinox 
March 20th

Summer Solstice
June 20th

Autumnal Equinox
September 22nd

Winter Solstice 
December 21st


Strangely I am rather numb to it all, I guess it's true... 
Eventually immunity builds to anything that doesn't kill. 

Spent so much time baiting, switching, and making me weep 
that one day it just stopped hurting so much
then the next time it hurt a little less
and now I feel nothing at all.
No anger
No love
Just grief for the time and energy wasted.
Now realizing...

... and it will never happen again.

December 3, 2011


My Glory: I am keeping my hair mostly protected & moisturized. It's growing like a weed! I'm so thankful for my mother's genes. I'll be cutting off my remaining texlaxed hair very soon.

Stacked: I'm starting to see a subtle difference in my shape. Once it's more noticeable, I'll post pictures. I measure my waist bi-weekly and I weigh myself weekly.  Slow & Steady :)

Breath of Me: I am consistently rotating my vitamins and drinking lots of water. However, I do need to start getting more sleep.  ( it's hard to quiet a busy mind)

a force to reckon with

November 27, 2011


So I just a started new job recently. This is actually my first job since I got married many moons ago.  The pay is terrible, and the hours are even worst but, I am grateful to have my job. Furthermore my decision to return to work was met with resistance but, the dust seems to be settling a bit...

Now that I am a "Working Girl" I've decided to set some mini financial plans for myself. These are all things that I want to have accomplished by January 1, 2012. Yes, yes I know I tend to set lofty goals but,  what can be done about it, I'm genetically predisposed to being dreamy. By the way these are not in any particular order, just things I'm gonna do.

1. Open an IRA
2. Save $2,000 (gmm)
3. Purchase a gold ankh
4. Purchase a netbook
5. Purchase a camera
6. Laser Hair Removal (yes ma'am I'm getting rid of it all)

November 20, 2011


When folks tell me "but you're so smart, it's easy for you." I just have to laugh. I try to explain but, nobody ever listens. No I'm not some brainiac, quite the opposite actually. In elementary, junior high, high school, community college and university I've always earned 2.somethings gpa I can count on one hand how many times I've received a 3.0 gpa in my entire life. I never actually intended to go to college, heck I was surprised each time I managed to pass on to the next grade! But, what I do have is a consistent persistent work-ethic. This is the single most significant factor in my progression. Never ever will I ever quit. 

November 13, 2011


Originally when I first went natural it was because I wanted to stand out, I wanted my hair to serve as an additional compliment to my uniqueness but, since natural hair has become the rave, I'm kinda getting over it. Although, I am happy that so many Divas are less dependent on chemicals, stylist, and weaves. I must admit, I miss being the only one is a room with thick-um twist or a big kinky bun. Ah well!

October 28, 2011


Every single day I dedicate a pinch of my resources to achieving my goal. I'm thickening my skin with each passing day. Yep, folks are gonna talk about what I lost/ gave up/ messed up & whatever else they can conjure up in their convoluted minds. Yep, it's gonna hurt my feelings a little. But, I'll carry a grandmother's words of wisdom in my heart.... "Cream always rises to the top."

remember to shield ya eyes from the envious ones

October 27, 2011


I believe that women can still be beautiful, sexy, and stylish while pregnant. However, I do think that pre trying to conceive preparation is necessary in most cases. I've noticed that women who maintain themselves best prior to conception tend to look better than those who do not, during and after pregnancy.

The Essentials
Positive Attitude, Healthy Diet, Adequate Exercise, Basic Beauty Maintenance, Proper Vitamin and Water Intake.

October 22, 2011


I've struggled with dermatological issues for as long as I can remember. Seriously, I cannot actually remember a point in my life where my skin wasn't having some type of problem. Over the years I've tried some of everything, most only made it worst. The one exception is a combination of Retin-A-Micro & Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser. I'm currently trying to find a more holistic healthy approach to healing my skin. I truly understand that the skin is a reflection of internal health so I'm working on it from the inside (i.e what i put in my body)  I'm eating nuts on a daily basis and recently I added coconuts to the menu. Well HONEY LET ME TELL YA, I think I'm seeing an improvement in the texture of my skin.  

(keeping my fingers crossed)
I's tink deh Island gyals are on ta sumtin' 

October 8, 2011


Lately, I've been feeling very overwhelmed. Like there is so much to do and so little time to do it. I feel like my life has been in idle for much too long. Somewhere along the way I stopped making goals and just started living, I lost sight of "my person". I've lost sight of so many things it's a crying shame, literally.

i must keep moving forward

October 7, 2011


1. Type 4 natural hair requires W_O_R_K some days it'll just act the hell up.
2. Be patient with your hair, whenever you're getting frustrated, just leave it alone
3. Water + Castor Oil + Glycerin + Spray Bottle = Moisture

Well I'm still transitioning and it's still taking forever and a day for my hair to grow

October 5, 2011


I use to have a signature scent... Michael by Michael Kors was the the name but, everything changed one sad day at Restaurant. I was dining with an acquaintance when our trendy waitress strutted her lovely self over to our table...All giddy and such she looks to me and says "Ohhhhh we're wearing the same perfume!!!" Instantly I became annoyed, that's the last time I wore Michael... 7 years ago. Well I've been on the look out for something new ever since.

Here's a list of things I've tried...

Juicy Couture - great for Summer
Lemon No.1999 - after a few hours smells like household cleaner
Amber romance - great for Fall but, they've discontinued the perfume
Enchanted Apple - after about 30 minutes it begins to smell cheap
Love Spell - too strong... too loud

Finally, I've found my short-term-luv although I doubt she'll be around come Summer, she's definitely a keep-pah for upcoming Fall-Winter months.... 

Seductive Amber by Victoria Secret Exotics


STEVE JOBS  (1955-2011)

September 28, 2011


Really the title describes me perfectly. I've always wanted to live in the rural south. I'm a country girl at heart despite being born & raised in a major city. I've always wanted to live on a nice patch of land on the outskirts of a small town. I'd travel to a major metropolitan whenever I need a bit of city life but, day in and day out I prefer the simple life.  A couple chickens, a few cows, and fertile land is plenty enough for me.

September 17, 2011


I really want to become a mother soon. Currently I'm trying to get my body ready for building-a-baby. I'm eating a little better and working out a lot more. I'm also doing acupuncture 2x per month and taking Vitamin E, Biotin, Fish Oil, Calcium, and Vegetarian Pre-Natal Vitamins. All of my vitamins are in a sort of rotation, I only take one vitamin a day and I don't take any on sundays.  The reason is: I simply will not take 5 pills a day.


Congratulations to Leila Lopes an absolutely stunning beauty. She embodies all the desirable attributes of a Miss Universe contestant so there was no surprise when she won. She deserved it, she earned it!

Miss France's inability to accept her failure with class and grace, only serves to further support the judges decision.

This picture says it all:

September 15, 2011


I've been a fan of ANTM since forever so I'm excited about this new season. 

Here's my take on ANTM thus far.... 

Isis is stunning. Bone Structure + Big Doe Eyes 

Camille's legs are gorgeous. 

Bianca requires a 2nd look to see her beauty but, once seen it is captivating.

Lisa & Alexandria are very unappealing.

Allison is a favorite. I just love her authenticity and those melt-your-heart-eyes. 

Sheena, Angelique and the others... Well, I can't wait to see what's next!


I use to read those books all the time when I was a kid. I always dreamed I would grow up to have lots of close friends much like the characters in the series. Well, things did not work out quite the way I planned. Although I do have one best (female) friend, that's it. Where my girls at? I have quite a few acquaintances but, only one true friend who would pull me out of a fire with her teeth if she had too. <-Let's hope that never happens [knock on wood]


Apparently there is an area in Africa where the overwhelming majority of the mothers have at least one set of twins. I'm not sure if it's the yams, the sun or something in the water but, I'd sure like to partake in the festivities. I've always known that I wanted to become a mother in my 30's and that I wanted to have twins. Let's hope the magic happens sooner rather than later because I'm definitely just about ready to become someone's mother.


Currently I am transitioning to natural hair. For about 3 years I was a heat free natural haired beauty but, then I got frustrated. My hair got long & the all the coils just locked like the lips horny teens. It was just to much to manage so I….. I texlaxed this madness and although I do enjoy the freedom of having semi-relaxed hair in the end I missed my natural hair. Soooo I'm going back natural. The transitioning process blows but I know that although I love a sexy baldie-a-la-Amber Rose it's just not the right look for me, so I'm opting for the long route.


Currently I'm exercising 3 days per week 2x per day. Ideally I would love to weigh 125 lbs. If at all possible I want to keep my new found curves…. Likely not gonna happen since this is the biggest my tata taters have ever been. My derrière and hips are always relatively well proportioned so not much to worry about in that area. Unfortunately, diet is my area of struggle.

March 3, 2011


Welcome to my blog! Ideally I'm going to keep my post short and I'll try to add lots of amazing photographs. The topics discussed will vary so grab yourself a cup of tea and get cozy. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or any request you may have. Thank you for taking a moment to visit my blog.